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Meeting Summaries - Meetings 2018-2019
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June 13, 2019

Pass the Gavel Evening, Yardley Country Club

A good time was had by all as outgoing President Denny Lantot passed the gavel to the incoming President, Denny Lanctot! Seriously, everyone thanked Denny for his dedication to Rotary and willingness to lead the club in the new Rotary year. On hand was District Governor Elect, Herb Klotz, and Assistant Governor John Ortolf, who also will be continuing as Assistant Governor the coming Rotary year.


Herb spoke to the club about the worldwide connections of Rotary with a terrific illustration about his own experience of finding himself and fellow travelors caught in a potentially dangerous airport situation overseas. After being guided to safety, they found themsleves with no luggage, no place to stay and one in the party without medications that were ln the luggage. By being able to make a contact with the local Rotary club, they were immediately  provided with food, shelter and assistance in making exit travel arrangements. And, one of the Rotarians was able to retrieve the needed medications even though the airport situation remained tense. 


President Lanctot introduced the new Board of Directors and Rotarian Juan Proano introduced the newest Rotarian, Jessica Milton, Principal of the Valley Day School, who will be formally inducted in the near future.


President Denny, Governor Elect Herb, and Tom Miller leading the parade to the delicious buffet!




May 23, 2019

 Johnny Gonzalez, Assistant Vice President of Penn Community Bank (right), and Carolyn Nicolosi, Small Business Lending, spoke at the club meeting at the Yardley Country Club. Johnny noted that the bank is the 4th largest bank in Bucks County.and is a mutual financial institution with no direct ownership. It, therefore, is not publicly traded and decisions are not based on investor expectations. Instead, it is an independent, locally focused financial services bank that is committed to being a part of the local community. The bank has a commitment of giving back to the community 5% of net income. Carolyn is responsible for small business lending, defined as businesses with revenues of $1.5 million or under. Club President, Denny Lanctot thanked them for the bank's support of the Yardley Car Festival the past two years and presented them with Robert Morris mugs as a token of thanks for their talks.


May 4, 2019

    Yardley Car Festival In spite of threatening weather in the morning, over 50 cars, plus new cars and trucks presented by Festival Sponsors Team Toyota and Fred Beans, were on display at Yardley's FitzGerald Field on Saturday, May 4. The crowd enjoyed the great variety of cars, trucks and military vehicles, plus the offerings of the vendors, the food and rolled ice cream trucks and the Hot Wheels track for the little ones! A big "thank you" to Peruzzi Dealerships, the Major Sponsor of the festival, and also to the British Cars of Bucks County, who reached out to other car clubs, and to the many businesses who bought ads for the festival souvenir booklet and donated gift certificates for the car awards and door prizes. The proceeds will provde significant funding of Rotary's Literacy and Education projects for local children and youth. See photo album on the Car Festival website www.MyCarFestival.org. Click here


April 20, 2019

Morrisville Community Easter Egg Hunt a great success! Weather cleared just in time for hundreds of children to scamper and collect some 5000 eggs! Check out the Rotary FACEBOOK page (click near top of page). Chair Mike Yager had everyting totally organized and his crew of local Rotary supporters and scouts did a terrific job of making this one of the very best in the long history (over 60 years) of Rotary organizing the Community Easter Egg Hunt.


April 6, 2019

The Morrsiville-Yardley Area Rotary Canal Tenders and friends spent a pleasent morning picking up trash along the Delaware Canal Towpath between Black Rock Road and Trenton Avenue. 


March 28, 2019

Ninth Grader Talks About Fundraising

At the dinner meeting of the club at the Yardley Country Club, Casey Schaeffer, a ninth grader in Pennsbury HS, explained how she was able to raise over $6000 last year and donate to a number of charities including Soldiers Hands and Joyce'sVoice for Cats and fund a music scholarship she started for the most improved senior orchastra student in Pennsbury. She said she started with a lemonade stand when in the 4th grade which developed into a Kid's Carnival that she organized, with the help of 20 volunteer students. The 4th Annual Full Heart Kid's Carnival will be May 18 at Chester Meadow next to Silver Lake on Lakeview Drive in Lower Makefield Township. Find more interesting information about Casey and Full Heart on Facebook.com/fullheartorg. Club President Denny Lanctot presented her with a Robert Morris mug in appreciation of her talk.



March 14, 2019

Pennsbury Invites Rotary to be a Pennsbury Partner

At the dinner meeting of the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at the Yardley Country Club, Ann Langtry, Supervisor of Communications for Pennsbury Schools and Superintendent Dr. William Gretzula, talked to the club. They said that they recognized Rotary’s emphasis on Literacy and Education and talked about how the club can be more involved with Pennsbury. Dr. Gretzula expressed his recognition and appreciation of Rotary and the good it does. Ann Langtry explained the opportunity for the club to become a Pennsbury Partner where it could assist students through participation in existing programs and offer new projects that benefit the students and teachers. President Denny Lanctot presented Ann with a Robert Morris mug as a token of appreciation for her talk and for having Dr. Gretzula join the meeting. 


In other business,  Assistant Governor John Ortolf (on left at bufffet ) was present to thank the club for providing a basket of cheer to be auctioned at the upcoming District Conference.

Andy Lubin (On right of last photo) of the British Cars of Bucks County and a major organizer of the upcoming Yardley Car Festival talked about how he and his associates are getting other car clubs and businesses involved.




February 2, 2019

Scout Leaders Honored 

The Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club again honored the local Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders for their work with the youth. The dinner meeting was held at the Yardley Country Club. Michelle Pelligrino was honored for her earning of the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest level in Girl Scouting and equivalent to Eagle Scout for boys. Christian Smith, Eagle Scout gave a talk about being his being a Sea Scout. A certificate of appreciation was given to Joe Hogan, District Chairman of the Tannend District of the Boy Scouts of America. Lew Mohr was thanked for again arranging to have the Boy Scout and Girl Scout representatives at the dinner. Pictured are President Denny Lanctot,Michelle Pelligrino, Lew Mohr and Christian Smith.



January 24, 2019

Labelling student dictionaries and thesauruses for distribution to elementary schools in February.


Claude, Nora, Barbara,visiting Rotarian Dave Harris & Tom  Jason, Barbara (again), Linda, Joe & Juan 


January 10, 2019



Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club President, Denny Lanctot, thanked AmandaGrace Krier (shown with her mother), for her talk at the club’s meeting at the Yardley Country Club on January 10, 2019. Denny presented her with a Robert Morris mug, as a token of appreciation.




AmandaGrace, a student at the Community College of Philadelphia, talked about mental health and suicide prevention. She explained that her interest and concern was the result of the tragic loss of her cousin, an 18 year-old athlete who struggled with his mental health after a traumatic brain injury in high school. Shortly after his suicide she became an ambassador for The Peyton Heart Project, a non-profit organization that creates crocheted hearts that have inspirational quotes and a suicide hotline number attached. The yarn hearts are put in public places for people to find in their everyday lives. She said that hearts have shown up a far away as Australia.




She said she is expanding her suicide prevention advocacy platform through participation in the Miss Bucks County and Miss Philadelphia Pageants that are organized by the Miss America pageant.  She said that she knows this isn’t the most conventional way to bring attention to her platform but after a lot of thought she said she feels that this is the best way to go at this time. To compete, she said she will have to raise $400 to support the pageant’s platform, The Children's Miracle Network. That organization helps fund local children's hospitals and she said that her donations will go to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and to Penn State’s Children’s Hospital in Heshey. Donations by check may be made to her and sent to her at 22 Hope Road, Levittown, PA19056, or an online donation may be processed through https://www.missamericaforkids.org/Contestant/Amandagracekrier. Online donations to the Peyton Heart Project may be processed through http://www.thepeytonheartproject.org.



December 31, 2018 

We all are saddened by the passing of 99 year old Sam Snipes. But he was a treasure of the community who encouraged and enlightened us all with his dedication to all that is good and right.


Sam Snipes, Paul Harris Fellow, January 3, 2013 



December 6, 2018

...the only active farm in Bristol, PA

 Mike Murray (left) was thanked by Pres. Denny Lanctot for his presentation at the club meeting at the Yardley Country Club. Mike has started, in Bristol, Noahs Dove Farm, a hydroponic farming business that produces various herbs, greens and micro greens and herbal teas. Mike noted that the growing process uses no herbicides nor toxic pesticides and the growing season is 365 days due to the growing being all indoors. The process consumes 85% less water, 90% less land and 95% less fuel when compared with standard farming. The flavor of the food is very intense and the products have great nutritional qualities. Mike had samples for everyone and all agreed as to the excellent flavors. As a start-up, he currently is offering the products to local restaurants and caterers and specialty grocers and farmers markets. He has a presence at the Yardley Indoor Winter Market on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month through April 20, 2019, from 9 to 11:30 AM. Mike can be reached at 215-650-3059. The website is noahsdovefarm.com.

 And speaking of food, the club members enjoyed an excellent buffet provided by the Yardley Country Club!


December 1 & 8

Salvation Army Bell Ringers

Hal Long was one of serveral members of the club who rang bells and collected donations for the Salvation Army's Christmas donation drive. The location was at the JCPenny store entrance of the Oxford Valley Mall.


December 1, 2018

Morrisville's Winterfest 2018 - Concessions by Rotary at the Morrisvile School High School!

 Open for business 

Service with a smile!



November 29

New Member Inductions and Tour of Valley Day School

 Dave Czarnecki (left), District Membership Chair, inducted Mike Rosso (center) and Ron Hall into the club.

Dave offered a number of ideas on recruiting new members and welcomed Mike and Ron into Rotary.

Dr. Ron Hall, Executive Director of the Valley Day School, explained the school's role and operation in teaching and training its students. Advanced classroom technology is especially important in helping to keep the students engaged. Many have attention issues and find standard classroom protocol very difficult. The interactive gym, allowing students' freedom of physical movement as they are taught various subjects, is a first in the country. The club members and guests were treated to a delicious buffet dinner prepared by the school's kitchen staff and afterwards enjoyed a tour of the school and had an opportunity to try out the advanced holographic computers in the computer lab. 



November 8, 2018


District 7430 Assistant Governor John Ortolf talked to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at its meeting on November 8 at the Yardley Country Club. His subject was The Rotary Foundation, which is one of the very top-rated charities in the world. As John explained, the mission of the foundation is to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.


Its programs focus on PolioPlus that is close to eliminating polio in the world, providing graduate-level Peace Scholarships to equip people with knowledge and skills so that they can be effective in promoting peace wherever they find opportunity, and extensive grant programs that support local and global service projects that typically address education, disease, peace, clean water, sanitation, hygiene, protection and saving of mothers and children, and helping to develop local economies.


Funding is through donations by individual Rotarians, fundraisers by clubs and districts and others. In the case of the fight against polio, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided great support along with partners including The World Health Organization, UNICEF, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), national governments, local health workers and others.   Anyone interested in donating directly to The Rotary Foundation can go to rotary.org/give.


President Denny Lanctot gave John Ortolf (left) a Robert Morris mug as a token of thanks for his presentation.


November 8, 2018

Rotarians meet for lunch

Claude Magnani (center), Denny Lanctot (right) and Hal Long (not shown) had lunch with Barry Vannauker at the Garden of Eatin and gave him a framed picture of the Morrisville Borough's recognition of the club's 90 years of service. Barry is a Past President and long time member has been unable to attend meetings regularly because of health and the passing of his wife, Marvine. It was good to see him out and about.


October 25, 2018

Joe Caracappa of the law firm Jackson, Cook, Caracappa & Scott, spoke to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at its meeting at the Yardley Country Club. He focused mainly on the process of selecting judges with respect to election vs. appointment and the impact of "activest" vs. "originalist" judges, President Denny Lanctot (right) presented him with a Robert Morris mug as a token of appreciation for his talk. 


October 15, 2018

Morrisville Borough Council Commends the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club for its 90 years of service to the Morrisville community



October 13, 2018

Rotary thanks the Morrisville-Yardley Area community for supporting the Country Breakfast. It also thanks the Boy Scouts and their leaders from Troop 3 for their excellent help serving and "bussing".


October 11, 2018

Morrisville United talks to the club about the opioid crisis and what it is doing in the Morrisville Community, including organizing parades and information exchanges in Williamson Park to raise awarenmess and providing 24-7 help to those in crisis and to the families in negotiating access to rehab and health care services. Call Recovery Placement Specialist Elvin Colon at 267-257-1032

Left to right; Mr. & Mrs. Hal Wilcox (Exec, Dir.), Rotary President Denny Lanctot, and Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stec.



September 27, 2018


Robert Ziff (left), of Avanti Benefits in Morrisville, spoke to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at its regular meeting at the Yardley Country Club. He talked about healthcare plans, coverage and costs. He pointed out the many problems with the current system and suggested that Medicare for everyone might be a better option. He was thanked by President Denny Lanctot for his talk,


September 22, 2018

Supporting the Salvation Army Levittown Community Corps Center's 120th year celebration


September 15, 2018

Participating at Yardley Harvest


September 13, 2018


Governor's Award Presented to Past President Babara Nuzzolo, for her leadership of the Club's achieving Governor's Award status in the 2016-2017 Rotary Year.

Presented by Assistant District Governor John Ortolf. (Current Club President Denny Lanctot in the middle) 


September 2 & 3, 2018


 Great to be a part of Lower Makefield Community Pride Day September 2! Also had the Rotary Hot dog stand at Morrisville's Labor Day Picnic the next day.


August 23, 2018


 Mary Auker and Kate Sweeney of Cops ‘n’ Kids Delaware Valley, received Robert Morris cups from President Denny Lanctot as a token of appreciation for their presentation to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club about Cop ‘n’ Kids. Cops ‘n’ Kids is a program to get books into the hands and homes of children to encourage literacy. Books come from local book drives. Volunteers clean, label and sort them and then transport and distribute them to various local community events and schools. There are various reading programs led by volunteers from local schools, police and fire departments and others. Currently they are seeking more storage space and a permanent home for the organization. More information can be found at www.copsnkidsdelval.org or contact Mary Auker at 610-462-5436.

Cops ‘n’ Kids Children’s Literacy Program is a national initiative founded by Julia Burney Witherspoon, a police officer from Racine, Wisconsin, who discovered a warehouse full of children’s books when responding to a burglary alarm. She realized that books could be valuable in engaging children during domestic calls or local patrols so she began distributing books from the trunk of her police car. Twenty years later, there are now more than 75 chapters of Cops ‘n’ Kids in the U.S. and around the world.


August 9, 2018

District Governor, Cindy Hornaman, Visits Club

Cindy gave a lively talk, in the vein of Rotary International's theme for 2018-2019, "Be the Inspiration". She recognized the club for its local service projects, noted the support available to the club from the District, described how the club can benefit from the Rotary Foundation grant programs and gave an update on the fight to iradicate polio from the face of the earth, Only two countries remain uncertified to be polio-free but she explained that the fight must continue because an outbreak is only a plane-ride away. Rotarians have raised over $1.7 billion since 1985 and the Gates foundation has been a vital partner. Bill Gates pledged to extend its 2-to-1 match up to $50 million in donations from Rotary for each of the next three years. The resulting $450 million will be a large part of the $1.5 billion needed to reduce polio cases to zero worldwide.

President Denny Lanctot thanked Cindy and gave her a Robert Morris cup as a token of appreciation. 


August 8, 2018

Morrisville's Grandview Elementary Education Garden Steering Group meeting

 Morrisville's Grandview Elementary Education Garden Steering Group meeting. Great progress thanks to reps from the School Board, Bucks County Technical High School, Ivin's House Resource Center, 21st Century Grants, Snipes Farm and Education Center and the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club.


August 7, 2018

National Night Out in Morrisville

Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club sponsor's Information Booth (Including promotion for April 28, 2019 Yardley Car Festival)



July 26, 2018 


Jonathon Snipes, Jr., spoke to the Morrisville-Yardley Rotary Club at its July 26 meeting at the Yardley Country Club. Jonathon noted that DNA research has revealed how very close the human genome is to other animals and even plant life.  He explained that the Snipes Farm and Education Center, of which he is the Principal, strives, through various farm projects and camps for children and adults, to teach the interdependence of all living things and the importance of sustainable farming. The Snipes Farm offers and supports several local programs to assist people who are food-insecure, including Small Farmers Markets where healthy farm products are priced to the affordability of residents with limited resources. Rotary President Denny Lanctot (right) presented a Rotary William Penn mug to Jonathon in appreciation of his talk. For more information go to www.SnipesFarm.org.



New Rotary Year to Focus on Education

July 12, 2018



At the club’s meeting at the Yardley Country Club, President Denny Lanctot outlined the plans for the coming Rotary year which include a heavy emphasis on service projects that support education, both in the Morrisville and the Pennsbury schools. Denny welcomed guest Damon Miller (right), President of the Morrisville School Board, who was very supportive and offered a number of helpful suggestions regarding working with the Morrisville School District.


The club plans to continue providing financial and “sweat equity” support of the Learning Garden at Morrisville’s Grandview school which Rotary, the school district and local volunteers worked to install a couple of years ago. Another program is “Camp Neidig”, an extended weekend leadership development camp for high school juniors. The club will play the costs for two Morrisville students. (Those interested should contact the school counselors or any Rotarian.) Periodically the club will be honoring a Morrisville student for his or her academic achievements and service to the community. And a Rotary Scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Morrisville high school senior. Distribution of library books, dictionaries and thesauruses again will be made to selected classes in both Morrisville and Pennsbury elementary schools. Also, presentations of the Rotary 4-Way Test will be offered.


Other community service projects will include continuing volunteering at the Trenton Areas Soup Kitchen, being one of the sponsors of Morrisville Night Out, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, presenting the Morrisville Community Easter Egg Hunt and serving as Rotary Canal Tenders for the Friends of the Delaware Canal,


To defray the expenses of these projects, the club will continue to offer to the community its Country Breakfasts, the Yardley Car Festival and food stand offerings at various venues throughout the year. It also is considering other fund raisers that will provide fun for the community and support for the service projects..