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Locally the club has been maintaining the Rotary Recognition Garden in Williamson Park in Morrisville and helps annually to clean up the Delaware Canal Towpath. Anyone interested in helping should call or text Luke McKee at 609-638-4908.

The club also volunteers regulary at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). If interested to help, contact Dave Sample at 267-980-8277. The club also helps ring the bells for the Salvation Army Christmas Drive and supports the Morrisville Winterfest, Morrisville's National Night Out and the Morrisville Community Easter Egg Hunt. It also provides scholarships for high school students to attend Rotary's Youth Leadership Camp. As a fundraiser, the club is planning a Corn Hole event with the Snipes Farm and Education Center. To help with any of these projects or to get more information just contact President Denny Lanctot at 215-932-2943.


Globally the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club has a unique, collaborative relationship through one of its members, S A Vaneswaran. S A operates a private 501(c)(3) charitable trust through which he is able to garner funding for health and education projects through private donations, through many Rotary clubs both in U.S and in other parts of the wolrld. and through Global Grants provided by The Rotary Foundation.


Following is information about projects completed and projects underway. To access S A's charitable trust, click here

Two Global Grant Projects approved by The Rotary Foundation


Two Global Grant Projects initiated from Rotary Clubs in Bangalore, India has been approved by the The Rotary Foundation. 

 A newspaper article about the Dialysis Machines project was published in The Advance of Bucks County, October 2, 2022 edition, with 2 pictures:

Local Rotary Club Helps Provide Needed Dialysis Machines in India

The Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club continues its international service commitments to help people in India gain access to needed health care and education services. Rotarian SA Vaneswaran led the club’s latest effort to help provide 8 kidney dialysis machines to the Rangadore Hospital in Bangalore, India. This was a $70,000 project that involved extensive collaboration with local Rotary Districts 7430, The Rotary Foundation, Rotary District 3190 (India), and the Bangalore North West and Southwest Rotary Clubs. S A was able to raise the club’s $8,000 contribution as the International Partner with help from his own foundation network. 

More details:

The first project has to do with providing 7 Dialysis Machines to Bangalore Kidney Foundation at Rangadore hospital in Bangalore India. The Total Project cost is roughly $65000.00. Our club donated $ 8000.00. Global Grants have an international flavor by design. The host club in Bangalore where the project is getting executed approached our club in the Fall of 2021 and after due diligence by the Board, it agreed to be the International Partner for the project.



Along similar lines, the second project is referred to as the Avoidable Blindness Program. Diabetic patients are vulnerable to becoming blind if no screening is done in the initial stages. This project entails setting up 6 Diabetic Retinopathy centres in Bangalore, India which are attached to local hospitals where patients can avail this facility free of cost. Total cost is around $40,000.00. Our Club contributed $2000.00 after formal Board approvals.

Major portion of those contributions came from the foundation managed by SA Vaneswaran, a member of our club (www.paramahamsatrust.org)..

Following is the list of organizations/individuals who contributed to the two projects:

  • Dr.T. Viswanath, Girija Viswanath, Nephrologists, MI
  • Nimit Patel, President, Hydraulics Manifold, CB, OH
  • Ricardo Gonzalez,COO, Diversified Industries, NJ
  • Parul Kohli, Director Operations, Diversified Industries,NJ
  • Jackie Daley Thompson, President, Beacon Converters, NJ
  • Baskar Kotte, President, QSE, Atlanta
  • Elissa Santos, Vice President, Atlantic Precision, NJ
  • Billy Gaddam, Director Operations, Aerospace Manufacturing, NJ
  • John Reilley,CFO,Pariser Industries, Paterson, NJ


Earlier in 2021, our Club participated in another project that successfully concluded setting up a Global Grant Neonatal Clinic at the Taluka Hospital in Mundgod, Karnataka, India. The total project is worth $36000 to help fund a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The entire project team consisting of the host club in Mundgod, Karnataka (India), International Partners - Lionville (Central Chester County) and our Club worked through the details and with help from The Rotary Foundation, the funding was approved. Our club donated $2,100.00. Shown: check presentation from Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary represented by Juan Proano and Mike Yager to S A Vaneswaran, club Rotarian and Project Leader. Also shown: Taluka Hospital 


List of Projects 

Project Name

Author/Program Head

Program Objective

Project Cost

Morrisvile Yardley Club Contribution

Pediatric Heart Surgery

Pune, India

Rtn Ravi Kapoor (D 3131)

• Arrange Open heart surgeries for children, Free of cost

$ 100,000.00




Bangalore, India

Rtn Ravi Kumar (D 3192)

• Establishing Glaucoma screening, providing treatment 



( DDF $10,400.00)


Sanitation Facilities


Rtn: Joseph Mubiru

• To increase the access to good sanitation facilities in 12 schools




Spine Surgeries

Maharashtra, India*

Rtn Els Seynores District 3141

• Arrange for spine surgeries in the interior parts of Western India




Dialysis Project

Bangalore, India *

Rtn Bhagwan

• Treatment of kidney related ailments thru dialysis, post follow ups to ensure they can lead a normal life

$ 70,000.00 +



Diabetic Retinopathy

Bangalore, India*

Rtn Ravi Kumar

• Establishing Diabetic Retinopathy Vision Centers. Aim is to screen diabetic patients and help avoid blindness if left untreated

$ 39,400.00



Neo Natal ICU

Mundgod, India *

Rtn Chetan Dalal

• Address High infant mortality rate among new borns




Water Project


Rtn Walter Hughes

• Provide communities with clean water and sanitation in poor communities in the Ashanti Region of Ghana




      (*) completed