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Five Avenues of Service & Current Opportunities
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The Object of Rotary is to “encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.”  Rotary is a service organization.  Since 1910, the Rotary Motto has been “Service Above Self.


Rotary strives to achieve it’s objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in five primary areas.  These are often referred to as the Five Avenues of Service.


Club Service

This “Avenue” involves the activities necessary to make the Club function successfully and achieve its goals.


Vocational Service

This area represents the opportunity that each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one’s vocation as an opportunity to serve society.  Rotarians promote and foster high ethical standards in business and professions and promote the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations. (Click here for 2009-2010 RI President John Kenny's remarks on Vocational Serivice.) 


Community Service

This “Avenue” relates to the activities that Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community.  Particular emphasis is given to helping children, needy families, the aged, the handicapped, and those most in need of assistance.  Rotarians strive to promote the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives.


International Service

In this area, Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.  International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.


Youth Service

This fifth Avenue of Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, involvement in community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.

Much of the above information was drawn from the following sources:

The Object of Rotary page on the Rotary International web site

The ABCs of Rotary by Clifford L. Dochterman, published by Rotary International.






Rotary Canal Tenders

Help the Friends of the Delaware Canal clean up and maintain the canal towpath from Yardley to Morrisville. See Hal Long.


Grandview Learning Garden

See Melanie Douty-Snipes for information about maintaining this project which is dedicated to beautifying the grounds around the Grandview School in Morrisville and making it a productive and educational experience for the children and adult volunteers.


Trenton Area Soup Kitchen Volunteers

A dedicated group of Rotarians volunteers every second Thursday of each month to work at the kitchen. "The more the merrier", so see Tom Mack.


Morrisville Winterfest This is an important fundraiser as the club helps nourish the public as they participate in the Morrisville Winterfest celebration. See Ted Fletcher, Dave Sample or Joe Urbano.


Salvation Army Bell Ringing

A long-standing, community service project that supports the Salvation Army's Christmas Bell Ringing Donation Drive. See Denny Lanctot.


Country  Breakfasts

The Country Breakfasts are an important fundraiser to help support the various service projects of the club. All Rotarians are needed to help with the publicity, preparation and serving. The Morrisville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall has been the recent location of choice. See Dave Sample.


Yardley Car Festival 

This is a newer project with potential for wide area appeal that can grow to an important fundraiser and a "Rotary Awareness" public relations event. See Hal Long.


National Night Out in Morrisville

This is a very successful Morrisville community social event that highlights Neighbohood Watch. See Jen Holthenrichs. 



There also are many internal "Club Service" opportunities and needs within the club. Many of these are one person activities that can be done at any time. Contact the President or any Rotarian if even remotely interested!!! And there are opportunities at the District level for anyone who wishes to take the next step in Rotary.