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Meeting Summaries - Meetings 2017-2018
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June 28, 2018 Citations Cited


At a meeting at the Garden of Eatin, outgoing President Barbara Ann Nuzzolo summarized the District and RI citations and awards the club qualified for the past Rotary Year. Incoming President Denny Lanctot thanked her for her excellent leadership and hard work that resulted in a very successful year.


June 21, 2018  Passing the Gavel at the Garden of Eatin

   This was the official "Passing the Gavel" from outgoing Presidentt Barbara Ann Nuzzolo to incoming President, Denny Lanctot. Denny presented, on behalf of the club, a "thank-you" clock to Barbara for her very successful Rotary year. Doug Miller, Director of Pennsbury Manor, was the speaker of the evening, wrapping up his series on William Penn and his influence on government that continues to the present. 


The winner of the raffle for the  Round of Golf donated by the Highlands Golf Club in Yardley was drawn by by Doug and the winner was Rotarian Juan  Proano.



April 23, 2018 Car Festival Success




Festival Sponsor: TEAM TOYOTA.


Car Clubs and owners including THE BRITISH MOTOR CLUB OF BUCKS COUNTY.

The Vendors, Program Booklet Advertisers and Door Prize Donors.

HORIZONS ADVERTISING for the website www.MyCarFestival.org. (It's still active. Click here)

MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MORRISVILLE for rapid printing of the program booklets.

Special Thanks to the BOROUGH OF YARDLEY and the YARDLEY POLICE.





April 19, 2018 Ivins Outreach Center

Ivins Outreach Center in Morrisville speak to Rotary about cooperative projects.

(l to r) Charlie Forker (Staying Put project), Darletta Berry-Johnson (Executive Director), Elizabeth Sullivan (Intergenerational Coordinator), Denny Lanctot (Rotary VP, Ted Fletcher (Rotarian and Ivins House coordinator)



April 8, 2018 Canal Tenders

Rotary Canal Tenders and Friends help with Friends of the Delaware Canal's annual towpath cleanup.



March 27, 2018  Pennsbury Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary Literature Project - Thesauruses Donation

Barbara Nuzzalo, Chair, with Nora Goodrow, Juan, Proano and Tom Miller 





March 23, 2018  Morrisville Grandview Elementary Literature Project-Library Books Donation

Barbara Nuzzolo Chair. with Rotarians Claude Magnani, Nora Goodrow & Tom Miller




March 22, 2018, Herb  Klotz,speaker

Herb Klotz, Rotary District 7430 Membership Chair, spoke to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at its meeting at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club. Club President Barbara Nuzzolo thanked him for coming (a 1 ½ hour drive from his home) and gave him a certificate of appreciation and a Robert Morris cup. In his talk about membership, Herb highlighted the several clubs in the district that have grown, some very substantially. He cited variety in meeting frequency and format and patience when trying something new. Some clubs have taken two to three years to establish changes. He noted that most candidates for membership come from members themselves. Members should always be inviting friends, acquaintances and business colleagues.  As to retaining members, Herb cited three important things: having a friend in the club to talk with, having an assignment and becoming educated about Rotary. An excellent assignment is the Membership committee which encourages the new member to tap into his or her personal network of friends and colleagues. The club should encourage attendance at Rotary leadership conferences and subsidize the cost. He noted that Rotary is now open to different membership categories, such as corporate and non-profit organizations like the Morrisville-Yardley Area club implemented a few years ago. It is important, he said, to establish and maintain a public image as “people of action” through media articles, social media, mixers and other events.     


March 15, 2018 Diane Casey, speaker

Diane Casey, President of the Interfaith Food Alliance, spoke to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club, at its meeting at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club. Diane thanked Rotary for its help in the acquisition of a freezer for the Food Alliance’s Family Backpack Center that is located in the Morrisville United Methodist Church. She talked about the people of faith and the 10 different faith communities that support the center who seek ways to educate people about the issue of food insecurity, advocate on behalf of those experiencing food insecurity, and serve those who are living food insecure. Currently there are dozens of families, who have been referred by the Morrisville School District, who come to the center twice each month to select supplies that include food products, diapers and cleaning and laundry supplies. One of the unanticipated benefits, she said, is the bonding and support that has occurred as families wait together for their turn to shop. In addition to getting to know the center’s staff, they get to know and support each other. Although there are more families that need to be served, Diane favors more centers in the area instead of expanding where the center now is so that the mutual bonding and support aspect is not lost.  


March 1, 2018, Barbara Simmons, speaker, club meeting at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club

Barbara Simmons, Executive Director of the Peace Center in Langhorne, spoke recently about the dramatic increase this past year in hate crimes and violence of all kinds and what individuals can do. She explained the “Pyramid of Hate” that has at its base micro-aggressions involving the classification of people according to stereotypes (racism, sexism), telling and laughing at racists jokes, etc., to discrimination in housing and jobs, to mass shootings, to genocide. For those needing to deal with conflict found in their daily lives, she suggested using Listening as a tool. That involves first centering yourself. You cannot deal effectively with conflicts with others while you are in raging anger. Second, focus on feelings by acknowledging the frustration you see in the other person. Then empathize by sharing a time in your life that is similar to what the other person is feeling. This lets them know you really have heard them. Then problem-solve together. Ask how you can help improve the situation and what you can do to ensure the situation doesn’t happen again. And assert your needs and seek cooperation. In the conflict resolution process everyone needs to feel that their needs are met.


February 28, 2018 Jerry Jonas, speaker, club meeting at the Garden of Eatin, Levittown.


Jerry Jonas (pictured with Club President, Barbara Nuzzolo), long-time local columnist and journalist for the Bucks County Courier Times and The Intelligencer, spoke at a recent club meeting about his long and varied career that has included the writing of newspaper columns, cartooning and creating and directing radio and TV programs and commercials. He had many anecdotes to tell, from his delightful time working with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on a radio program he developed, to the hilarious making of a Ballantine Beer commercial for TV that involved  an erratic pitching machine, a thumb that was cut opening a can of beer and a minor league pitcher hit in the head by a large, swinging TV camera (no serious injuries).


January 25, 2018  Scout Night  



Lew Mohr, Scouting coordinator, and Barbara Nuzolo, President, with certificates honoring local Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders


This was the annual Rotary recognition of Scouting and the honoring of the local  Scout Leaders for their service to the youth and to the community.


Cheryl Hamm, Ship Skipper of Scout Ship 2012 (the name of the Boy Scout group involved in Sea Scouting) talked about the history of Sea Scouting and described the current program. The scouts have use of two sailng vessels that are owned by a non-profit organization that was set up to provide the ships for the scouts.  William Schabert and Lake Ethridge, both Sea Scouts, described how they got involved, the things they have learned and their plans for the future, Lake has a goal of becoming a tugboat captain. Boy Scout District Chairman Bill Pitts, Troop 3 Scout Master, spoke about some of the key objectives of Scouting in helping the boys with 21st century issues, He underscored the importance of Scouting in the development of values and principles in the quest to become better citizens. Dana Kuhns, the Council Field Director for local Scout groups, underscored the comment the development of good citizenship. Schuyler Janzen, Troop 10 Eagle Scout and Senior at Neshamminy HS, spoke of the value of Scouting to his planning for his future. His father, Chris Janzen, Troop 10 Scoutmaster and an Eagle Scout like his son, spoke of the importance of the Scouting experience in building good moral character. He noted that he is a former Rotarian and a Paul Harris Fellow and described the overlay of the goals of Rotary with the goals of Scouting in leadership development, volunteering and promoting high moral and ethical standards. Lew Mohr, long-time scout leader, was thanked by President Barbara Nuzzolo for arranging to have all of the scouts and leaders at the meeting.


Pictured below


From left to right   (front left) William Schabert and Lake Ethridge, (both Sea Scouts, Ship 2012).  (back left) Tom DeShields, District Advancement leader, Schuyler Janzen, Eagle Scout Troop 10, Chris Janzen, his father and Scoutmaster of Troop 10, Dana Kuhns, Council Field Director, Dave Burkhardt, Scout leader in Troop 46, Barbara Ann Nuzzolo, Rotary Club President, Dave Brown, District Commissioner, Lew Mohr (standing), District Vice Chairman. In front of Lew is Bill Pitts, District Vice Chairman. Bill Burgess (standing), Coordinator for Troop and Pack 3, John Waslensko, Scoutmaster Troop 3. In back is Laura Foulds, Assistant Advancement Chairman Troop 210, and sitting (front right) is Cheryl Hamm, Scout Ship 2012 Ship Skipper,  All are a part of the Tamanend District, Washington Crossing Council, BSA.



October 2017 

New Rotarian Dave Krahl Gives a Classification Speech about Hotdogs!



New Rotarian Dave Krahl gave a very interesting speech about himself and his professional career at a recent meeting of the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club. He explained that he develops simulation programs for other companies to assess the various factors involved in marketing and management decisions. To illustrate, he presented a simulation program he had written for the sales of hotdogs and how the club might optimize its profits when it operates the Rotary hotdog stand at various community events. He proceeded to show, for example, how the number of hotdogs placed on the grille at one time is a very important factor. Too many at one time will result in overcooked hotdogs that have to be discarded and too few result in wait times that cause some potential customers to leave. Depending on estimates of the size of the crowd and other factors, an optimized decision can be reached as to how many hotdogs the club should buy for any given event.


September 28, 2017  New Member Induction


New Member Dick Gagnier was formally inducted into the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at the club’s meeting of September 28, 2017, at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club. President Barbara Nuzzolo welcomed Dick on behalf of the club, and talked about the history and purpose of Rotary and the opportunities it provides for service, professional development, networking and fellowship. 


September 16, 2017  Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at Yardley Harvest Day


On a beautiful day in September at Yardley Harvest Day the Morrisville -Yardley Area Rotary Club engaged the public and informed them about what Rotary is and does. Upcoming events sponsored by the club were promoted, including the Country Breakfast October 7 and the Car Festival next April 15, 2018. Several prospective members and three potential speakers for club meetings were identified.


Pictured are Rotarians Andy Thompson, Joe Urbano and Dick Gagnier. Other Rotarians who were part of the team talking to the public during the day included Tom Miller, Denny Lanctot and Hal Long.



September 14, 2017  Four New Members Inducted


Four new members of the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club were formally inducted at the club’s meeting of September 14, 2017, at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club. From left to right, David Krahl, Nora Goodrow, Steve Ullrich and Dr. Bindukumar Kansupada. In inducting the new members, President Barbara Nuzzolo talked about the history and purpose of Rotary and the opportunities it provides for service, professional development, networking and fellowship. 


Dr. Bindukumar Kansupada gives his Rotary "Classification Speech"

kNew Rotarian, Dr. Bindukumar Kansupada ("Dr. K"), retired cardiologist, gave an impassioned talk about his career as heart and health specialist in the area for the past 38 years. He served his cardiovascular residence training at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and his internal medicine residency at the Lutheran Medical Center. He is a member of the Advisory Health Board of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and serves as an Active Leader of the American Medical Association, a Delegate, Bucks County Medical Society for the Pennsylvania Medical Society, a member of the Advisory Council, Keystone Mercy Insurance Company, and Payers Committee, American College of Cardiology, Pennsylvania Chapter. He has been Director of Cardiac Rehab at St. Mary Medical Center and is on the faculty at Drexel University and an instructor at Aria Hospital. He has been a speaker for Merck, Astra, Bristol-Myers, Pfizer, Guident, St. Jude and Genetec. In retirement, he now is traveling extensively in the U.S., India and elsewhere, giving talks and presentations on the vital necessity of a healthy lifestyle. He is enthusiastic about using the resources of Rotary as a base for health-centered, community programs and said that pharmaceutical companies are willing to invest in such programs. 



Dick Gagnier Gives his Rotary "Classification Speech"

d New Rotarian Dick Gagnier told the club about himself and his career and profession at a recent meeting of the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club. He said that from his two marriages he has eight grandchildren who are the “love of my life”. He noted that he has lived in Yardley for some 32 years and has been retired from Bristol-Myers Squib for 10 years. He said that he earned his MBA from the University of New Haven and worked for Bristol-Myers Squib in pharmaceutical sales and marketing which he said was a “wonderful time”.  Golfing and reading are his favorite pastimes (likes murder mysteries and prefers print books to Kindle) and he likes to volunteer at St. Mary Medical Center in its pharmaceutical department.


August 17, 2017 

Steve Ullrich Gives his Rotary “Classification Speech”



New Rotarian Steve Ullrich, welcomed by Club President Barbara Nuzzolo, introduced himself and his profession at the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club’s August 17, 2017, meeting at the Makefield Highlands Golf Club in Yardley. Steve said he is married with family that includes one in high school, two in college and two with their own professional careers. His wife, Linda, he noted, is a teacher who is hoping to go from part time to full time this coming year. He said that he has been a mortician for some 40 years.  As co-owner of the J. Allen Hooper Funeral Chapel in Morrisville, Steve emphasized the individualized personal care and attention the chapel gives to families in conveying the story of the deceased to those who come to pay their respects. As to professional requirements for a mortician, a Bachelor of Science degree is now required but when he graduated from Temple University it was not. He said his specific training was at the American Academy of Funeral Service in New York. 

August 10, 2017

Night Out in Morrisville Awards Check to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club


Rotarians Jen Holthenrichs (left) and Danielle Larison (right), the organizers of Night Out in Morrisvillle, presented to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club a check in the amount of $1674, to be used for the club’s community service projects. Club President Barbara Nuzzolo accepted the check on behalf of the club at the club’s August 10, 2017, meeting. The money came from people in the community who participated in the basket raffle and 50-50 proceeds at the Night Out event of August 1, 2017.  Morrisville’s annual Night Out is part of16,000 such events nationwide, and the largest in the local area, that bring communities together in a fun and social evening to talk with and show support for police, fire and emergency service professionals who serve the community. 



June 29, 2017 Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club Passes the Gavel

(l to r) Asst. District Governor John Ortolf, incoming Club President Barbara Nuzzolo and Exec. Dir. Of Pennsbury Manor Doug Miller


At the Garden of Eatin restaurant the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club celebrated its successful past Rotary Year under the leadership of outgoing President Bill Pepitone and welcomed the opportunities of the Rotary new year being led by incoming President Barbara Nuzzolo.

Assistant District Governor John Ortolf enumerated the various community service projects and fundraisers of the club and presented a Paul Harris Award to Barry Vannauker, his fifth. John noted that the Paul Harris Award recognizes significant donations to The Rotary Foundation, which is the largest service club foundation in the world and has been sustained over the years by over $3 Billion in member donations. Money from the foundation helps support local projects, such as the Back Pack Center in Morrisville and the Grandview Elementary School Educational Garden, all the way to PolioPlus , the worldwide effort that is eradicating polio from the face of the earth. 

Service projects over the past year have included the aforementioned Grandview Garden and Backpack Center plus the distribution of dictionaries and books for Morrisville and Pennsbury elementary schools, Hands Across the Canal, Morrisville Night Out, Canal Tenders, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen volunteers, and the Annual Morrisville Community Easter Egg Hunt, which this year distributed some 2500 eggs to the children. The club also was able to close out its water filter project that serves needy residents of Lima, Peru.

Featured speaker Doug Miller, Executive Director of Pennsbury Manor, described how the life and character of William Penn matched the values of Rotary, which include strengthening community, supporting literacy, providing scholarship, eradicating disease and promoting peace. Much to the chagrin of his father, an Admiral in the British Navy, young Penn became a rebellious Quaker. Upon his father’s death, young Penn was able to get title from the king to land in America in exchange for relief from repayment for money his father had loaned to the crown. The king named the land “Pennsylvania” and there William Penn was able to put his ideas into place about peace, democratic government, religious freedom, and good relationships with the native Americans.  An interesting side note is that small pox broke out aboard ship during one of his trips to America and he administered to the sick and dying, being able to do so because of his own immunity to the disease after becoming infected at age 3.


April 15, 2017

Morrisville Community Easter Egg Hunt

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The Morrisville Community Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club, once again was a great success. Led by Rotarian Mike Yager, many friends of Rotary and members of the community helped prepare and spread out over Williamson Park some 2500 plastic eggs filled with goodies (really!). There were “door prizes” and pretzels and other goodies available. And the Girl Scouts were very important in helping the Rotarians in “crowd control” to hold back all of the enthusiastic children until the “GO” was given! As usual, within 5 minutes all of the eggs and been scooped up and the participants and all of the adults gathered around the Rotary grandstand to see if their tickets were winners as the door prizes were given out. All and all a fitting event prior to the celebration of Easter.



April 8, 2017

Canal Tenders


Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club members and friends met on Saturday, April 8, 2017, to do their part in helping to keep the canal towpath clear of trash. This was part of the annual “Canal Tenders” Clean-up Day all along the canal organized by the Friends of the Delaware Canal. A lot of the energy came from Morrisville Pack 46 Cub Scouts and their leaders as the group enthusiastically worked from Black Rock Road in Lower Makefield Township to East Trenton Avenue in Morrisville. 


March 23, 2017

Important Story of Japanese Immigrants


Rotarian Juan Proano, Naomi Shibato and Luisa Proano


Naomi Shibata spoke to the Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club about her family who managed to overcome great hardship and humiliation, as have many other immigrant families, and still maintained a spirit of hope without bitterness or anger. Naomi said she is a third-generation Japanese-American who was living in California when she and her family sponsored Rotarian Juan Proano and his wife, Luisa, when they first arrived in America from Peru in 1962.  Ms. Shibata recently edited a book, "Bend With The Wind", which was written by her mother, which details the story of her mother's life and the family’s history. Ms. Shibata's grandparents immigrated to the US from Japan in the late 1890s with the dream of becoming American citizens. Her grandfather overcame many obstacles to become a very successful and respected farmer in California but the dream of citizenship was long-deferred by many laws of the times and then came the attack on Pearl Harbor. After the attack her grandfather was listed as a “person of interest” and interred, along with some 1200 other Japanese-Americans, for two years in various concentration camps in the U.S. Ultimately, 120,000 Japanese-American citizens were taken from their homes and businesses and held in ten different desert camps in the U.S. until 1944.  After WWII ended, the families were able to return to homes and businesses to continue their pursuit of the American dream.  Ultimately the book is an inspiring testament to the resilience of a family whose spirit has enabled the family to fulfill the promise and hope of their grandparents and has allowed them to live lives filled with family, friendships and great accomplishments. Witness, Ms. Shibata's mother who earned her bachelor’s degree at age 74!


March 9, 2017

Rotarians Learn about Primrose Schools Franchising



Chris Goethe, speaker of the evening, was presented a Robert Morris statue cup from Rotarian Mike Yager, Treasurer, in appreciation for his talk.

Chris Goethe, VP of Franchising for Primrose Schools, explained that Primrose Schools is a private preschool organization that provides premier educational child care experiences for children and families. The schools serve children ranging in age from six weeks to six years old, and have after-school programs for children up to twelve years old. Founded in 1982 in Georgia, Primrose Schools began making education the key component of its curriculum in an era when “all-play and nothing-but-play” was the accepted norm. Primrose refers to its approach as “balanced learning” involving “nurturing Active Minds, Healthy Bodies and Happy Hearts “.

Chris explained that his job is to develop franchises, with a current emphasis on the Northeast. Primrose has more than 300 schools in 25 states and has earned top recognition for student outcomes and satisfaction among franchise owners, staff, local communities and families. There are, however, only a few franchises in the Northeast. “The reason that I am on the planet”, he said, “Is to utilize the gifts and abilities I have to help other people be successful."

More information about Primrose and Chris can be found at http://franchise.primroseschools.com/about