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How To Join
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Step one to getting involved in Rotary typically is to attend a club meeting! See the website calendar for meeting dates, times and and programs. You have a choice of the General Meeting (2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month at 6 PM) or the Breakfast Meeting (1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month a & AM). You can look in on a General Meeting just by signing youself into a Zoom meeting. Anyone is welcome and you don't have to wait for an invitation! But if someone does invite you, by all means accept! You can contact Membership Chair Juan Proano at 301-633-9763, jlproarc@comcast, or any other Rotarian. Or you can complete the Becoming a Member Contact Form


At the meeting you can ask questions and learn more about becoming a member. Also, the club website can put you in touch with all aspects of Rotary. Just click on the various buttons and links to gain an understanding of what it means to be a Rotarian, what the club does and how it is tied to the District and to Rotary International where you can have an impact globally as well as locally. 


"Involvement" in Rotary can take the form of accepting an invitation to become a member or as a Community Corps supporter.


Note that membership in Rotary offers a number of personal benefits, including opportunities for:

  • effecting change within the community
  • advancing business and professional contacts
  • developing leadership skills
  • gaining an understanding of — and having an impact on — international humanitarian issues

So, take that first step! Go to the Becoming a Member Contact Form to express your interest. Or just show up at a meeting where you will be welcomed!


Check the Calendar regarding Zoom meetings. Meeting ID and password can be accessed from the Home page.